Chicago > Norway > Mexico

A website seems like a lot, I agree. But I figured this way I wouldn’t have to worry about posting to my already very very limited social media account and I could have a designated spot for people to come to get updates and information about what i’m doing! So a website it is. Check out the blog and photo gallery to see what has been going on!

What am I up to?

I am joining Youth With a Mission (WYAM) on the Ålesund, Norway base for my training for three months and then will join the missions field in Mexico with my team for two months. No, I will not be going alone so you do not need to call me and try to convince me not to go. This will also be my first experience doing any sort of missions work in my five years since becoming a christian! With that, I am happily and excitedly accepting all advice, prayers and guidance in this area so please do call me with those things!

I am going because God has made it clear that this is the door He is opening for me. There’s not a whole more to say other than I have always loved the snow and the outdoors (and Norway has both!) and at this point my future is a blank slate! This fact is terrifying and super exciting at the same time!

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
— Ephesians 3:20