Summer life update!

As many of you know, I have had my heart set on getting back out west for years and I thought this summer was going to be the time to make it happen. Yet, it still has not been in God’s plan for me and even though i’m a little bummed, I am also so thankful. He knows and gives what I need, not what I want. And this summer I needed to be in a community that would continue to grow, encourage, and provide for me. I didn’t intend to get deeply involved in the midwest but after almost three years it has happened in the most amazing way and I could not be more thankful. I have finally begun to understand what being a part of a church community truly means and how to let those people speak into and take care of me when I don’t know what to do.

After my trip to Washington at the end of April I was in awe of the beauty of the pacific northwest but there were just some pieces that weren’t falling into place and I didn’t have a lot of peace with moving for two months, removing myself from the community i’ve come to love and depend on, and move back all before traveling across the world to do my first missions trip. I wanted to take time to slow down and be intentional in my relationship with God and while the mountains sounded amazing, being in a place with only one connection didn’t seem quite right. I didn’t want to throw myself into a lonely and isolated place if it wasn’t God’s plan. And I don’t think He wanted that for me either.

The literal day I began questioning if it was right or wrong to go I had breakfast with some women from church and that same day each one of the three of them offered to let me stay with them for a month over the summer since my lease was up. It was an answer to a small, once uttered prayer that didn’t seem like I put in enough effort for it to be answered. But it was and He did so I took that and continued to pray for the upcoming months and knew that being here and growing in Christ, in intentionality, in curiosity for His character was the right next step.

Not to mention that that very week my car started to flash every single dash light all at once as I was speeding down the highway. Now we are here a month later and my car has the transmission fixed but there’s more to fix with the axel of my car and bad thump that begins at about 50mph. I am grateful for family who knows how to fix car problems and selflessly give their time to help me save money and friends who let me “rent” their cars for the weekend. It is just another thing to look at and see God at work protecting me. I don’t know if I would have made the whole way to WA or if my car would have left me stranded in the middle of the United States, but I don’t have to know! One thing at a time things are working out and and He is working.

This summer has been filled with lots of outdoor time with runs and forest preserve walks. Lots of time to sit outside on the Whitfield’d deck and read and journal and pray, lots of good and challenging conversations that make me think about how He is working and what kind of relationship He wants with us. And of course lots of reflection and praise. I still don’t know what I’m doing or how He will use me but right now is a time to prepare, to learn, to listen and practice obeying.


July Fundraising Update


June Fundraising Update!